Project Summary
Each year the Conservation District partners with Cedar Cliff High School students to construct 50 rain barrels
made from reused food grade barrels. The barrels are sold on a first come, first served basis. Usually in
early April, we send out brochures to our rain barrel mailing list and the first 50 people who return the order form
with their payment receive a rain barrel. We distribute the barrels in May at Cedar Cliff High School.
The barrels are black pickle barrels, approximately 55 gallons, with lids that screw on, and have a screen on them
to prevent mosquito breeding.
There is a drain on the bottom where a hose can be hooked up, and a standard spigot where a bucket can be filled.
There is also an overflow hose to control extra water when the barrel is full.
This is an annual project, so if you would like a rain barrel, send us an
email to be added to the mailing list. Please make sure you include your mailing
address. Keep in mind, we do 50 barrels per year and it may take a year or two to receive a brochure in the mail.
Photos (click on a thumbnail to view larger size)